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Cultural Connections

Cultural Connections Overview

Cultural Connections is a framework and digital resource kit intended to enhance the ability of New York State Schools and Early Childhood Programs to deeply engage students in STEAM and history through cultural experiences, including the arts, science, and social studies. The immersive resource for classrooms, serving Prekindergarten to Grade 3 students, recommends ways schools and collaborating partners can connect with cultural institutions such as museums and science centers for class trips and/or learning experiences that can be brought right into classrooms. Cultural Connections is organized by content area connections and features a variety of vetted resources. We encourage you to make rich connections with New York State by bringing cultural experiences into the lives of students.


Cultural education refers to organized programs or learning experiences rooted in arts & humanities, natural sciences, and history & heritage. This connects well with P-3 content areas including, but not limited to, arts, science, and social studies. We believe that cultural education forms an important part of a broad and balanced curriculum, and that students should be provided with an engaging variety of cultural experiences throughout their time at school. Cultural education helps us understand and appreciate the world around us. It cultivates a sense of wonder and belonging.

Cultural Connections Framework and Resource Kit
