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2c. Elective Coursework

Civic Experiences Area II

.5 Point*




These elective courses that promote civic engagement will be locally determined and may exist within disciplines other than social studies. The district’s Seal of Civic Readiness Committee will determine acceptable courses. Examples include but are not limited to public speaking, literature of the civil rights movement, leadership skills, news literacy, and separate courses designed to support students as they pursue the Seal of Civic Readiness (Civics in Action, Contemporary Issues in America, Capstone Civics, etc.). To receive credit towards the Seal of Civics Readiness, students must complete and submit a Civic Participation Application of Knowledge Reflection. For elective courses, Civic Participation Application of Knowledge Reflections will be evaluated by a process established by the local Seal of Civic Readiness Committee (SCRC) in accordance with the following guidance:

  • Advanced Social Studies classes and electives rooted in civics must demonstrate evidence of a strong foundation to Civic Readiness to be approved as part of the Seal of Civic Readiness. A course may only be approved if there is evidence that the curriculum will include the four domains of civic readiness.
  • For a course to qualify it needs to haveÌýat least three components of each domain: Civic Knowledge, Civic Skills and Actions, Civic Experience and Civic Mindsets.
  • Student reflections may be in a variety of forms. Written tasks, podcasts, video, visual or oral presentations, or creative pieces accompanied with a rationale are all examples of acceptable application of knowledge products. The content of the reflection will be evaluated based upon the criteria below.
  • See the Seal of Civic ReadinessÌýToolkit Appendix Q for theÌýElective and Advanced Course Criterion ChecklistÌý

*Students may earn these points more than once.

Seal of Civic Readiness Committee Responsibilities

  • Assist teachers in developing a civics elective course syllabus that aligns with and demonstrates the domain criteria.
  • Review syllabi and the corresponding Application of Knowledge task to ensure the course meets the specifications to award credit.

Teacher Responsibilities

  • Develop a course and syllabus that clearly articulates how the elective meets the specified criteria.
  • Create an Application of Knowledge performance task and corresponding assessment tools.

Student Responsibilities

  • Complete and pass the civics elective course.



Seal of Civic Readiness Manual Navigation Links

New York State Seal of Civic Readiness Manual Home

Introduction, Background, Definition, and Domains

Criteria to Earn the Seal of Civic Readiness

Civic Knowledge Components

Civic Participation Components

2a. High School Civic Project

2b. Service-Learning Project

2c. Elective Coursework

2d. Work-Based Learning Experience

2e. Middle School Capstone Project

2f. High School Capstone Project

New York State Seal of Civic Readiness ResourceÌýToolkit