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Criteria to Earn the Seal of Civic Readiness

To earn the Seal of Civic Readiness, a student must accumulate six points according to the chart below: at least two points from Column 1 (Civic Knowledge), two points from Column 2 (Civic Participation), and two additional points from either column. This chart provides flexibility and is not a checklist, as students do not need points in every category to qualify.

Civic Knowledge


Civic Participation






1a. 4 Credits of Social Studies


2a. High School Civics Project (limit two times during grades 9-12)


1b. Mastery level on Social Studies Regents Exam


2b. Service-Learning Project (minimum 25 hours) and reflective civic learning essay/presentation/product


1c. Proficiency level on Social Studies Regents Exam


2c. Earned credit in an elective course that promotes civic engagement


1d. Advanced Social Studies Course(s)


2d. Middle School Capstone Project (Grades 7 and 8 are only eligible for this point)


1e. Research Project


2e. Extra-curricular participation or work-based learning experience

(minimum 40 hours) and an essay/presentation/project




2f. Civics Capstone Project


See Toolkit Appendix H: Student Point Scenarios

*Students may receive these points more than once.

** Students may receive these points no more than two times.

Testing accommodations recommended in an individualized education program or section 504 Accommodations Plan must be provided for all State and districtwide assessments administered to students with disabilities, as consistent with State policy. Students in schools with an alternate pathway for graduation approved by the Commissioner will be held to those schools' criteria.

Seal of Civic Readiness Manual Navigation Links
New York State Seal of Civic Readiness Manual Home

Introduction, Background, Definition, and Domains

Criteria to Earn the Seal of Civic Readiness

Civic Knowledge Components

Civic Participation Components

2a. High School Civic Project

2b. Service-Learning Project

2c. Elective Coursework

2d. Work-Based Learning Experience

2e. Middle School Capstone Project

2f. High School Capstone Project

New York State Seal of Civic Readiness ResourceÌýToolkit